Kerala State Eligibility Test (SET) Paper I Syllabus

The L.B.S. Centre for Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram is inviting applications for State Eligibility Test (SET) on behalf of the Government of Kerala. Learn more about this exam, and Psychology Paper II Syllabus in this article.

About State Eligibility Test (SET)

The State Eligibility Test (SET) is a state-level entrance test held to determine qualified individuals for the Assistant Professor award. Notably, SET differs from the National Eligibility Test (NET) as it exclusively considers candidates within a particular state for selection.

Candidates should complete their Master’s in Psychology to appear for the SET exam. The qualifying marks may vary for different states. Usually, minimum 55% marks is necessary.

Applications are available for the Kerala State Eligibility Test January 2024 Exam. Apply Now!

Click here to know about Psychology Paper II Syllabus of Kerala State Eligibility Test (KSET)

Kerala SET Psychology Paper I Syllabus

UNIT 1: General Studies

Modules Syllabus
1General Science –Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Basics – Class X Level)
2Social Science -Economics, History, Geography, and Indian Polity (Basics – Class X Level)
3Humanities- Literature (Classics and Masterpieces of World and Indian Literature), Art (Major art forms of India), and Culture (Life and Society in India)
4Kerala Studies – Social reforms, National Movements, Kerala Model of Development, Literature, Art and Culture

UNIT 2: Language and Reasoning

1Comprehension and Vocabulary
2Basic English Grammar
3Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability
4Numeracy Skills – Pattern Recognition and Orders of Magnitude

UNIT 3: Current Affairs

1Technology –Inventions, Innovations and Discoveries
2Environmental Issues, Movements, Treaties, and Legislations -National and International.
3UN and Global Affairs
4Institutions of Higher Learning and Research, Scholarships, and New Initiatives (National and State level)
5Indian Constitution and Politics and Recent Legislations –Right to Information and Right to Education
6Events, Persons, and Awards
7Sports and Games
8Culture (Films, Literature, Music, and Performing Arts)

UNIT 4: Foundation of Education

ModulesName of ModulesSyllabus
1            Philosophical Foundations· Educational Philosophy – Relationship between Philosophy and Education – Major Philosophical divisions and its impact on aims, curriculum, and methods of teaching – Concept of teacher, freedom and Discipline
· Major Philosophical Systems in the East – Six Schools of Indian philosophy, Buddhism, Jainism, and Islamic thought
· Major Philosophical Systems in the West – Idealism, Naturalism, Pragmatism, Humanism and Realism, Democracy and Critical Pedagogy
· Eminent Thinkers in Education – Gandhiji, Tagore, Vivekananda, Plato, Rousseau, Montessori, Frobel, John Dewey, Paulo Freire

Value Education – Classification of values, Significance of value education, Religious and moral education and development of values, Value crisis
2                        Sociological Foundations·  Relation Between Education and Sociology – Meaning and scope of education and sociology, and sociology of Education, Interactive role of education and society, The relationship between education and culture

· Social Functions of Education– Various functions of education in society, functions of society towards education. Functions of education with regard to Culture– Preservation, Transformation and Transmission

· Social Change and Education – Social Change – Factors influencing social changes- Role of Education. Social mobility. Factors hinder positive changes in the society, Characteristics of Indian Society –class, religion, ethnicity, language. Major changes occurred in Indian society Corruption, Terrorism, Antinational activities, Violence against women, Drug abuse and Alcoholism etc. Role of education to curb Social evils.

· Education and Social Institutions – Major social institutions, Role of various social institutions to inculcate values connected with Democracy and Secularism, National Integration, Concept of global village

· Education and Socialization – Factors influencing socialization, education and socialization process, Acculturation, value orientation- Teacher as a Change Agent and Nation builder, Cultural lag, cultural inertia, Cultural diffusion
3            Psychological Foundations· Educational Psychology– Meaning, scope, fields of psychology- Educational Psychology, School Psychology, Clinical Psychology. Applications of Psychology Guidance and Counselling, life skills education, etc.

· Personality– Approaches- Psychoanalytic, Behaviouristic, Humanistic, Trait approaches. Motivation- Intrinsic and extrinsic. Approaches to motivation- behavioral, humanistic, cognitive, and socio-cultural.

· Intelligence– Factor theories, Multiple intelligence. Measurement of intelligence Binet, Wechsler. Creativity

· Social and Cognitive Development– Erikson, Piaget, Vygotsky, Language- structure and development. Memory and forgetting

Adolescent Characteristics– Cognitive, Emotional, and Motivational aspects. Peer influence. Parenting difficulties
4History & policies of Education· History of Education in Kerala and India. Early education history of India, introduction of modern English Education, Government’s role in pre-Independence India, major reports & documents on education.
Important personalities in Education in India and Kerala.

· Reports and Policies on Education in post Independence Period – NPE -first, second & third, BPEGEL, IEDSS

· Acts and Bills Relevant to Higher Education: Major Bills and Acts on Higher education promulgated by the Parliament of India and the Legislative Assembly of Kerala

· Programmes for Universalisation of Education – Saakshar Bharat, RTE, DPEP, SSA, RMSA, RUSA

· Institutions of Education at National and State level– MHRD, UGC, NCTE NCERT, NUEPA, SCERT, DIET, CTE, SIET, etc.

UNIT 5: Teaching, Learning and Education

ModulesName of ModulesSyllabus
1            Teaching Aptitude· Teaching Aptitude – Teacher characteristics, Teaching as a profession, Skill based theoretical knowledge, Teacher competency, and teacher accountability

· Administrative Aptitude – Administrative models, administrative roles of teachers, obligations to students, parents and society

· Reflective Practices –components in reflective practice, innovative teaching, mechanisms of feedback to learners, self-assessment

· Professional Development – Needs for professional development, technological advancement, professional associations, Preservice and in-service training, cluster training, teacher rating & grading

Teacher Characteristics – Essential characters for a quality teacher, professional qualities, teacher as an agent of social reformation
2            Teaching Methods· Teaching Skills – Essential teaching skills, quality teaching and teaching skills, Microteaching.

· Methods of Teaching – Analysis of Major methods of teaching.

· Techniques and Approaches to Teaching – Individualized instruction, Group instruction, peer teaching, mentoring, facilitated instruction, Distance and online teaching

· Instructional Models of Teaching – Significance of Models of teaching – Concept attainment, Advance organizer, cognitive growth, group investigation models of teaching.

Teaching & Learning Resources – Classification of Audio-visual aids, Dale’s cone of experience, Community resources, Web resources. Improvisation of aids, Effective use of learning resources
3              Learning· Learning Theories– Behaviorist theories, cognitive learning, Constructivist view. Classroom learning. Approaches of Vygotsky, Piaget, Gagne, Bruner, Ausubel, & Bloom

· Applications of Learning Theories– Mastery learning, reinforcement, situated learning, problem-based learning, Building on students’ thinking, activity and constructing knowledge, scaffolding, assisted learning, concept learning, setting learning objectives, etc.

· Learner Characteristics– Heredity, personality, intelligence, SES, culture, gender, experience, motivation, goal orientation, cognitive styles, learning styles

· Learning Environment– Class room climate, home environment, Teacher’s personality, Individual learning and group learning, Group dynamics, Sociometry.

Learners with Special Needs – Students with mental retardation, learning disabilities, learning difficulties, behavioral problems, emotional problems; communication, visual and hearing impairments, under achievers. Strategies- inclusive classroom, strategy training. Gifted students
4            Evaluation· Tools and Techniques for Evaluation – Paper pencil Tests, Achievement and diagnostic tests, Performance tests, Cumulative records, Rating scale, Observation, Characteristics of a good test.

· Continuous Evaluation – Measures for continuous evaluation- Unit test, Assignments, Seminar, Collection, Project, Experiments, Portfolio etc.

· Terminal Evaluation – Teacher made tests and standardized tests, Public examination, Type of test items, Entrance examination, Online tests, Interview.

· Grading – Principles of grading, types of grading, Absolute grading & relative grading, grading procedure, Merits and demerits of grading.

Feedback and Remediation – Feedback to students, feedback to teachers, Institutional mechanism for feedback collection, Remedial measures.

UNIT 6: Communication, Technology Research, and Educational Administration

ModulesName of ModuleSyllabus
1Communication· Communication and Education –Meaning, concept & scope, Communication as a major life skill, Effective interaction in classrooms.

· Basic Principles of Communication – Components of communication, Communication cycle, communication process, sources of communication.

· Types of Communication – Oral, written, interpersonal, Non-verbal communication.

· Barriers in Communication – Major barriers, Interaction analysis, procedure for analysis.

Classroom Application of Communication – Communication and effective teaching, meaningful learning, and proper application
2Computer and ICT· Basics of Computer Knowledge: Basic parts of a computer – I/O Devices – Memory – Storage Devices – Operating System – Database – FOSS – Common Computer Abbreviations and Terminologies.

· Computer Networks & Internet: Basics of Computer Networks – Types of Networks – Internet – WWW – Browsers – Search Engines – E-mail – Virus – Anti-Virus Software – Cyber Security – Cyber Law – India IT Act 2000.

· Office Tools: Word Processing – Editing & Formatting Document – Printing – Inserting Tables & Pictures – Spreadsheet – Creating Worksheets – Working with Formula Bar – PowerPoint – Creating & Designing slides – Insertion of objects and functions.

· ICT Enabled Learning: e-Learning – eContent Portals – Video Conferencing – Interactive Educational Tools – MOOC – Moodle – Smart Class Room – IT@School Project.

General Applications: e-Commerce – e-Governance – e-banking – Mobile Apps – Social Networking Apps – Green Computing – Supercomputing – Cloud storage.
3Research in Education· Basic aspects of Educational Research – Meaning & Scope of research in education, Steps in educational research, Uses of statistics in educational research.

· Types of Research– Historical, Descriptive and Experimental, Quantitative and qualitative

· Methods, Tools & Techniques of Research – Surveys, Case study, Experimental, Document analysis, Questionnaire, Scales, Interview, Observation.

· Action Research – steps in action research, significance of action research at school level.

· Reporting of Research – steps in writing research report, APA style, Plagiarism, ethics in educational research.
4                  Educational Administration· Planning and Administration at National level – National Curriculum Frameworks, National policy on education, Planning commission and education, National pattern of Education system. NUEPA

· Organisational Structure of Education in the State – Structure of School Education, Higher secondary level education, Higher education system, Kerala State Higher Education Council, SIEMAT.

· School Administration – Role and functions of Head of the institution, school council, subject councils, school parliament, PTA, MPTA, School management committee.

· Management & Governance – Management of resources at various levels, Provisions for equal educational opportunities (free textbooks, free uniform, mid day meal, etc.), e-governance

International Agencies and Education – UN and goals of education in India, programs for universal education in tune with international developments in the field of education. Privatization and education at various levels.

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